About Us

What We Believe

Pastor Peter Gueldner

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God and inerrant in the original writings. We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.

We believe that the lost and sinful man must be saved, and that man's only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We believe in and practice the holy ordinance of water baptism, which signifies the believer's death, burial, and resurrection into new life with Christ Jesus, and the regular celebration of Holy Communion as commanded by our Lord.

We believe in the present ministry and baptism of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved; those that are saved into the resurrection of life and those that are unsaved into the resurrection of damnation.

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

King of Glory Lutheran Church in Blaine, Minnesota is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod as a member congregation we are a mission based and bible based denomination that confesses the Orthodox Christian faith in the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a faith which is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets.

As a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod we respect and uphold the decisions (resolutions) made by the Synod in its national conventions regarding the understanding of the teachings of Scripture (Bible) and the Lutheran confessions and practices that are consistent with such teachings.

We believe that marriage is the lifelong union between one man and one woman entered into by mutual consent.

The marriage policy of King of Glory Lutheran Church a member congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, is and always has been consistent with the Synod’s beliefs on marriage. We believe that marriage is a sacred union of one man and one woman (Gen. 2:24-25), and that God gave marriage as a picture of the relationship between Christ and His bride the church (Eph. 5:32). The official position of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, as set forth in 1998 Res. 3-21 (“To Affirm the Sanctity of Marriage and to Reject Same-Sex Unions”), is that homosexual come under categorical prohibition in the Old and New Testaments (Lev. 18:22, 24; 20:13, 1 Cor. 6:9-10; 1 Tim. 1:9-10) as contrary to the Creator’s design (Rom. 1:26-27). These positions and beliefs can be found on the LCMS website, along with other statements, papers, and reports on the subjects of homosexuality and same-sex civil unions and “marriage”. Our pastors will not officiate over any marriages inconsistent with these beliefs, and our church property may not be used for any marriage ceremony, reception or other activity that would be inconsistent with our beliefs and this policy.

“The Earthly estate of marriage is a divine institution. It is therefore subject to certain divine requirements which remain in effect until the close of this age regardless of the social customs, civil laws, or ecclesiastical rites which may come to surround it. That God himself established marriage and pronounced it good also means that He created it for the good of humanity. He is at work in marriage to accomplish his purposes. In marriage God intends to provide (1) the relation of man and woman in mutual love (Gen. 2:18); (2) the procreation of children (Gen. 1:28); and (3) the partial remedy for sinful lust (1 Cor. 7:2). Both the fourth and sixth commandments presume and support these purposes of marriage in human life.” (Human Sexuality; A Theological Perspective; A Report of the Commission on Theology of the LCMS September 1981.)

Pastor Peter Gueldner has served at King of Glory since 2011. He is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne and is a former Lutheran Bible Translators missionary. Pastor Gueldner enjoys fishing, gardening, traveling, and spending time with his wife Michelle, their four adult children/spouses, and grandson.